Friday, February 29, 2008


Here is a sweet little guy who's extreme cuteness won over a self-proclaimed dog-disliker-my mom. We found him at the shelter and brought him home, unfortunately the poor little fellow never had a chance. This is Jet. He was perfect in every way, his size and personality making him a lovely addition to the family. But Jet had a cough and in a few days it was apparent he had distemper-an ugly disease that puts a dog through hell, taking most of it's victims, and leaving a few with unalterable health problems. The vet recommended that we save Jet from all of that pain and trauma. We did.


Anonymous said...


Pampered Princess said...

I'm sorry you lost your little one. I know he was a "one in a million". He was lucky to be in your family. I'm glad he had you! And that mom actually met a dog she liked!! :)