The scriptures are a collection of parables and accounts that teach us the principles that are necessary to learn and live if we are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I reviewed the following and learned/reviewed several principles.
Luke 16: 1-12, recounts the parable of the unjust steward. After reading this, I thought that the principle to be learned is that we are to be faithful in keeping the commandments and taking care of our responsibilities. But if we should falter, we should not give up, but repent and do our best to get back on track.
Luke 16:19-31, is the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. I think Heavenly Father wants us to learn that when we make evil choices, we will be separated from him and be miserable. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and make choices that demonstrate our choice to follow Jesus, we will be in paradise and receive rest from our sorrows and the heartaches of our earthly existence.
Luke 17:11-19, is about the ten lepers. I think Heavenly Father wants us to learn two principles from this account of the Savior healing these ten lepers. First, when we have faith in Christ and then follow the instructions or guidance he gives us, we will receive the healing or help that we are asking for. Secondly, we need to express our gratitude and give glory to our Savior and Heavenly Father for the gift of healing and help we received. As a side note, I learned that it was required for lepers to present themselves to the priests to show that they were clean before being allowed to reenter society.
Luke 18:1-8, is the parable of the unjust judge. From this parable, I think Heavenly Father wants us to learn that he will answer our prayers in the appropriate time and in the perfect way to meet our needs. In the process of waiting for prayers to be answered, we can be strengthened and improved through our trials.
Luke 18:9-14, is the parable of the Pharisee and the publican. We need to learn that we are not good of our own accord. Everything that we have and everything good that we are is a result of Heavenly Father and the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. If we recognize this and have a change of heart and habit as a result, changing our behavior to express our gratitude and love for him., Heavenly Father promises that he will accept us into his kingdom.
Of the above accounts and parables, I think I love Luke 18:9-14 the most. It reminds me to be careful of my attitude and not let self-complacency and pride sneak into my thought patterns. I love my Savior and I don’t want to ever forget the great and amazing things he has done for me and every person I love or will ever love. Because of him, I have the chance to be with my loved ones after this earth life. Because of him, I am blessed and strengthened every day with all that I stand in need of. The below video is a sobering reminder of all I owe him and the beautiful hope that comes from believing on his name.